Monday, January 4, 2010

A little dip will do ya'

When people travel for their jobs, or for any reason really, sleep deficits and the need to stay awake will inevitably occur. Most travelers use caffeine, or abuse it in my case. Sometimes, extreme measures are necessary. Fortunately I have not turned to illegal drugs, but I am ashamed to admit that I have used a pretty disgusting legal one.

Years ago, I was talking with one of my friends who also travels for his job. We were comparing stories and both of us had endured particularly grueling road trips that week (hours on the road, etc). We talked about Starbucks and the joys of coffee in general. Then he shared a tip that had never occurred to me.

"Well", he said, "if you are really looking to stay awake and coffee is not doing it for you, then just get some skoal".

I told him how disgusting that was, how I would never do "dip" or any form of chewing tobacco.

The very next week, I found myself almost falling asleep behind the wheel. I had already consumed copious amounts of caffeine, blared the air conditioner and radio, nothing was working. At the end of my rope, I pulled in to the parking lot of a service station. I went in and like a total hypocrite purchased the skoal. I asked the man behind the counter how exactly you "pack" it, and he was more than happy to oblige.

A few minutes and flick of the wrist later, I found myself in a parking lot, doing skoal. To make myself feel better, I will point out that I did not actually pack it in my mouth, only rubbed a tiny amount on my gums. Now, I know, it doesn't really make it any better. I guess that early in the morning, my logic was that if I did not have to use a "spit cup" or bottle of some sort, that made it okay.

It did indeed wake me up. Once I reached my destination, I threw it quickly in my glove box, and as usual when traveling, my day actually "started". The blur of getting there slid off of me like shrugging off a jacket.

A week later I opened my glove box. It was shocking to see the container sitting there. For a moment, I had no idea what it was. But there it was. Evidence. I quickly threw it away before my husband discovered it. He has enough evidence that I am truly a redneck, I couldn't fuel the flames.

I was also deeply embarrassed that I had done this, and without much thought at all. Good reminder of what happens when you put yourself in bad situations.

Thankfully, I have never turned to it again and DO NOT recommend it for anything. Ever.


  1. Don't feel badly, you had to do what you had to do. And at least it wasn't meth! Next time though, try one of those 12 hour energy shots. Or a career change.

  2. I love it, and I'm going to remember it when I fall asleep behind the wheel.


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