Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tic Tac Toe

When traveling, missing meals is usually not a problem for me. In fact, I probably eat three times more than normal. It's common knowledge that calories consumed in a car or hotel do not count, much like when you spend money in an airport. Anyway, for those days when I am so swamped on the road and do not get an opportunity to swing through a fast food window, I usually keep a protein bar, some almonds, nabs, some type of snack in my purse or car.

One very hot day in Charleston caught me completely off guard. I like to book my days fully when I'm on the road. I want to see every possible client, because I do not want to go back anytime soon. Most of my co-workers know this about me and when we work together it's often very busy. This particular day was extremely busy, with multiple appointments, criss-crossing charleston and mount pleasant many times. It was also hot in a way that only south carolina can be.

We found ourselves crossing the cooper river bridge for about the 3rd time, parched and starving. We had no time to eat lunch or even consider stopping anywhere to pick something up. I was without my typical snacks, and my co-worker started scrounging through his car for any type of food.

We dined that day on some old Tic Tac mints he found in the floorboard (they had melted and turned into like one big glob of tic tacs which we split in half) and some hot bottled water his kids had left in the car. I'm pretty sure they had opened and drank out of them too, but we drank it all the same. It was hot and disgusting, but at least wet, we reasoned.

The grand finale of the day was careening in to the cobblestone streets of downtown Charleston for our very last appointment (which we were late for), only to get behind a person on a motorized wheel chair/hooveround type of device. In the street! It was almost unbelievable, of course they were going extremely slow. All we could do was laugh at the end to a ridiculous day.

1 comment:

  1. You should always keep some Nabs in your car! I do that and I don't even travel for work, I just get hungry in I-40 traffic.


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